Martin Luther King day is looming. This puts into perspective where we stand with race today. Many believe that if our president is black this is no longer an issue. Let me just say that the most poignant portion of the presidential election results in November 2009 was Jesse Jackson weeping openly about what this meant for his fight. I can only imagine how Martin Luther King may have felt at this moment. Would he too feel the same pride and disappointed all at the same time that I feel? Would he feel the dismay over hate ads attacking Health Care reform propagandizing it as socialism and even worse as something containing death panels? Would he too feel the racial undertones of those refusing to accept a black man as president by questioning his right as the birthers have done or a fellow public official yelling "You lie" during the presidents most important address to the people, The State of the Union?

I wonder how far things have come since this little girl walked to school in her Sunday best flanked by U.S. Marshalls no doubt feeling the tangible hatred all around her? I once again find myself proud and a little ashamed of my fellow society members.
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