So now that all four of my children use the bathroom independently, are fully capable of getting their own beverages and food items, can play outdoors without direct supervision I have apparently decided that with my full time job and class schedule, I have time for a new being. NAPA our very loved one and a half year old dog was not enough, we adopted a new puppy, Claire. Claire is cute and lovable and everything else good one can say about a puppy. Here's the catch....She poops and pees everywhere. She loves to go outdoors but since she is invisible to everyone but me, she often goes on the floor. Thank goodness she's not a baby and will outgrow bad habits sooner than a human baby (we hope.) Meanwhile I will be picking up puppy turds and disinfecting carpet. This is not to mention all of her puppy shots and then the drama of having her spayed. This so closely parallels human babyhood, the frequent vaccinations, worrying over throw up and inspecting poo, occasionally taking it to the doctor with you.
What amazes me is how some people act as if bringing a new puppy into your home is NO BIG DEAL. Maybe these are the same people that didn't seem phased at all to be taking a new human home to care for. I was not this person. Each time, all four, I was petrified. Not necessarily of SIDS (though I worried about that too,) but mostly that I would drop them. My coordination skills are lacking, it was really a wander I didn't require bed rest simply so I didn't fall and injure my unborn child. I remember those moms at the pediatricians office. They always knew exactly what they were doing, their babies weren't wailing, they weren't frantic. Their babies lacked the appearance of those that have taken too many near falls in their mothers' arms. These (I am sure) are the same women at the vet whose dogs are perfectly behaved, the dog and owner appear to be perfectly groomed nor are either of them sniffing the butt of the other. These moms are my goal, all that I wish to be, I always try to figure out what they are hiding, maybe they're hoarders or live in terrible debt.
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