I'm having a hard time with the rhetoric in Washington over the budget. Not that rhetoric in Washington is new, but with all the media avenues to absorb it, it's in hyper overdrive. First we hear about what the American people want, then we start seeing the cuts, cuts to programs conservatives don't support. This of course is their right as the current party in power, but if they held the appearance of actually attempting to do something about the budget instead of targeting only programs they don't favor they would be better understood.
Somebody needs to broach the subject to us, the owners of the government. Let us know our extravagant lifestyles need to come down a few notches, that we are in trouble, that it will require an effort by everybody to begin balancing our budget. The problem here is the polarization of politics in our country, which hurts because we are in trouble. People need jobs. I understand all of the talk about stimulating the economy, but what stimulates more than employment? We have available many markets to create positive change and create jobs. Progressive environmental change could help fuel this. People need jobs, and we need solar panels. Simple. Taxpayers are going to have to step it up. This is just the reality. Avoiding the T word is not helping, it only becomes more shocking when it is absolutely necessary later.
Defense. I'm not even sure that requires an explanation. Our defense budget is massive, it can stand some cuts, but there must be a guarantee any cut doesn't hit veterans services.
Politicians salaries. Here's how politicians can show they are serious about balancing the budget and helping the economy and let's take away their collective bargaining rights. Let's start talking about their pensions and health care.
Everybody has a pet project they feel is required, but our government creates a ton of waste. The sheer amount of money we are shipping in emergency food supplies that land in the hands of warlords is a fantastic example. Like a family on a budget, let's cut the waste, make sure the money that's being paid goes where it should and make the most of every penny we spend. Yes, we elect them, they are supposed to work for us. But let's face it transparency has left the building as has accountability.
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