About Me

I have little time for.....well, anything. 4 kids, job, and yes, I decided at 33 that further education seemed like fun. I am terribly interested in politics, social problems, and brain injury.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Are we all looking for a handout?

Although I know a real health care reform bill will never pass, I applaud all of the politicians that are pushing it so hard despite the fact that it could mean political suicide. Let's face it, health care reform can only go one of two ways, very good or very bad. Unfortunately, the only health care reform that will pass will just be the same old thing because so many are terrified of failing on both sides of the aisle. Now is the time for big change, we are at a pivotal time in our nations history. So many Americans are unemployed and uninsured or gainfully employed and grossly under insured. Americans should never have to choose between basic health care and eating or paying bills or medication and the car payment. Health care reform has never been so crucial than now with the economy in the toilet. Why do politicians always assume that honest hardworking Americans will choose to live off of the "system" if presented with the option? I think what most middle income Americans want are options and not an option to pay bills or fill their blood pressure medication prescription. Most Americans are just a health crisis away from total financial disaster.
I understand that constituents and politicians are frightened that the request is heading towards socialized medicine. While it is a step, people forget who they are. America is a very young nation and will experience many changes, some good and bad like a child learning the ropes. America is known for doing things a little differently. Health care reform in this country does not have to be the same as health care in Canada or Europe, we are always cavalier, marching to the beat of a different drum. I love this country but we have given up on the middle class and are neglecting their struggles when really working class people are what make this nation so great. Really they are the backbone of the nation, the majority. They are not looking for a handout, just to care for their families.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

I believed that when we all grew up, women would mature, and we could all get along. Not true. The other moms at gymnastics class proved that once again. We aren't "allowed" to watch our daughters in the class, so we all pack into a hallway with five chairs. Trying to be friendly, I joke with another mom, "It's so weird to have a whole half hour to myself." I am sure I was speaking out loud and that she knew the noise was coming from my direction; however; she just started playing with her phone. Another woman sat in the chair next to me for about three seconds before getting up to sit on the floor. In that three seconds I did not "let one go" or crap my pants. I use deodorant regularly. I didn't even attempt to engage her in conversation. The only people speaking to each other were two women who seemed to know each other well and were speaking and laughing loudly. Of course I was by all the fun haters and would have really enjoyed killing a half hour with them, since they are clearly hilarious and didn't care that their kids were throwing books down the hallway. When the class ends we all file in to stand by the wall in the classroom of mystery no one within three feet of the other. I'm not searching for my new BFF at gymnastics or anything, I just figure we're stuck together for thirty minutes once a week for eight weeks. Why make things awkward?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why 4 and no more

Imagine shopping at Sears for a few simple items, in my case a winter coat and a pair of shoes. Now imagine that with four children and a husband in tow. Sometimes our outings go better than others. On this particular occasion, the shoe kid, really wanted a pair of very unpractical shoes. The bottom line, he does as little as possible any given time, including not tying/untying his shoes. A pair of converse high tops are not his best choice. He was steadfast in his desire for these shoes, though and the price wasn't bad. I chose to let him decide (also known as laziness) and hoped he would see the error of his ways and choose a simple skating shoe instead. While he is fighting with the high top to get it on his foot, the three other kids and their father are playing a loud obnoxious game the next aisle over. Their dad is mad because he does not want high top kid to choose those shoes and is not confident that left to his own devices he will make the right choice (usually high top kid does not.) We must have been in the shoe department for close to 45 minutes, and I'm sure the employees were glad to see us go.

Upstairs to the kids department where thankfully we found coats were still being sold. Coat kid needs a new one because his dad tore his old one completely down the side while they were messing around in another store on a different day. While we are trying to pick a super cool coat that is also practical and inexpensive, the other kids pounce on the opportunity to hide in the middle of the racks and ask for every item Sears sells. We quickly choose a coat, I send the kids and their dad down to the tools and purchase the items.

High top kid and coat kid both ended up with what they need and high top kid is now skate shoe kid. I just hope they didn't destroy the tool/electronics department in the few minutes I took paying for the items.

Don't you want my life?